; Donations - Funding programs - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

Rates notices for 2024/25 will be issued in late August. More information


Funding programs


The City’s Donation Policy sets out the criteria for the provision of donations to eligible not-for-profit and community organisations to support them in delivering an activity, event or program which benefits the City of Wanneroo community. 

Before submitting a Donation Request Form please note the following:

  • Please ensure you have explored the Community and Outgoing Sponsorships Funding Programs to determine eligibility under those funding sources. 
  • All requests are assessed against the Donation Policy.
  • All requests must be received at least three weeks prior to the activity, event or program.
  • Organisations can only receive one source of funding (donation or community funding) from the City in any financial year.
  • The following documents may need to be attached to your request: 
    • The receipt / acknowledgement email you received following the submission of the Event Notification Form (required).
    • If the location of your activity, event or program is a City of Wanneroo facility or park, you will need to upload documentation confirming the booking.
    • A completed Statement by Supplier form for organisations who do not have an ABN. 

Should you have any questions, please contact the Corporate Support Team on 9405 5052. 

Complete the Donation Application form