Advocacy - Yanchep Hospital

What do we need?
State Government to lead the development of a Business Case to determine time frames, resources and requirements for delivering a Hospital in Yanchep capable of expansion to tertiary level.
Inpatient, outpatient and day hospice respite services to be co-located and delivered as part of the development to meet the long-term needs of the community.
Yanchep City is a Strategic Centre under the Planning and Development Act 2005: State Planning Policy 4.2. The Policy outlines the Activity centres defined for WA and was updated and Gazetted July 2023.
Strategic centres are the main regional and sub-regional activity centres. They are multi-purpose centres that provide a diversity of uses and are the main focus for housing and employment growth outside the Capital City. These centres provide the full range of economic and community services necessary for the communities in their catchments and wider region. These centres are expected to service substantial populations, providing health, community and social services, be well-served by public transport and provide opportunities for business agglomeration.
A hospital was identified in the State Government endorsed Yanchep Two Rocks Disctrict Structure Plan in 2008 and planning needs to start now.
The forecast population growth of the region Butler to Two Rocks to 2046 is:
AREA | 2026 | 2031 | 2036 | 2041 | 2046 |
Alkimos | 18,749 | 30,703 | 37,988 | 38,991 | 39,130 |
Butler | 14,442 | 14,414 | 14,354 | 14,481 | 14,687 |
Eglinton | 8,844 | 17,084 | 22,510 | 24,212 | 24,159 |
Jindalee | 6,351 | 7,749 | 7,925 | 7,834 | 7,741 |
Two Rocks | 7,305 | 16,352 | 27,744 | 44,680 | 68,141 |
Yanchep | 16,456 | 27,620 | 35,320 | 38,484 | 37,948 |
TOTAL | 74,173 | 115,953 | 147,877 | 170,723 | 193,852 |
Beds Requirement (@3.5/1000) Australia Average* |
260 | 406 | 518 | 598 | 678 |
Source: Population and household forecasts, 2021 to 2046, prepared by .id (informed decisions), March 2024.
Source*: Medical Journal of Australia - published online September 2010.
The catchment of the Hospital would also include the southern Wheatbelt population, which would add a much larger base and add to the service mix required for rural health needs.
Currently the North West Sub-Region only has 22 inpatient palliative care beds and Perth's only day hospice respite service in Murdoch is 30km to 75km from the City's southern to northern most points.
The State and Federal Government have already recognised the need for investment in health services in Yanchep partnering with Edith Cowan University to deliver a 2-stage heath centre including general practice, nursing and allied health commencing in 2024. There is now an opportunity to leverage this investment to provide world class integratd health services to a rapidly growing community and deliver clinical training and research and address the critical shortage of health workers, futureproofing the health ad wellbeing of our community.
How can we make it happen?
State Government to lead the development of a business case to determine time frames, resources and requirements for delivering a hospital capable of expansion to tertiary level in Yanchep. |
Current Status
The future need for a hospital in Yanchep has been identified through the State Planning Framework and the Yanchep-Two Rocks District Structure Plan, however, there is currently no WA State Government commitment to planning and delivering a new hospital facility in Yanchep.
To date, funding has been committed by both the State and Federal Governments for development of a Yanchep Health Centre, being progressed by Edith Cowan University (ECU) with a total budget of $20.8m of which $10.4m has been committed by the Federal Government and $8.1m from the WA State Government. The intention is that this Centre will provide an integrated and multidisciplinary health centre and tertiary education facility. The focus will be on primary care not tertiary or hospital care.
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