; Advocacy - Wanneroo Recreation Precinct - City of Wanneroo

Advocacy - Wanneroo Recreation Precinct

What do we need?

Community consultation and the development of a precinct Master Plan has identified the need to redevelop the existing Wanneroo Recreation Centre to include a Sports Hub as well as a separate Community Hub.

Total project costs for the upgrade of the Wanneroo Recreation Precinct are estimated to be $35.5m. There is existing State Government funding of $5m and the City of Wanneroo will contribute $7.8m.

The City of Wanneroo is seeking State/Federal Government funding of $22.7m.



The Wanneroo Recreation Centre is located at 275 Scenic Drive Wanneroo and sits within the Yellagonga Regional Park. The centre opened on 25 November 1971 as a third office for the then Shire of Wanneroo until the new City of Wanneroo Civic Centre opened in 2000. Since then, the facility has been adapted to be used as a recreation centre. It is comprised of a series of meeting and activity rooms, storage, change rooms and toilets around a main sport hall.

Given this history, together with a high community usage and facility booking rates, Council at its 18 September 2018 meeting supported the development of a Master Plan to identify opportunities to expand or upgrade the open space and buildings.

The outcomes of the Master Plan process identified that the redevelopment of the existing Wanneroo Recreation Centre would not be able to accommodate all user group requirements due to footprint limitations at the site, and challenges with constructing multiple levels. It was considered that the preferred approach was based on the provision of two separate facilities – a Sports Hub and Community Hub in their co-location within Wanneroo Recreation Centre Precinct.

Key issues

  • Aging infrastructure not fit for purpose.
  • Location of special significance to the community and Council.
  • Increasing demand from the community for an improved facility to accommodate an increasing diverse range of uses.
  • Unable to accommodate user group requirements due to footprint limitations.


Master Plan and Concept Design


Community Consultation


Detailed Concept Design




Construction Phase


Funding status

$5m committed by the State Government during the 2021 State Election. City of Wanneroo contribution to the project will be $7.8m.

Key partners

  • The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
  • The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
  • The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage


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