City approves Wanneroo Local Area Plan
Published Wednesday, 6th January 2021
City of Wanneroo Council has adopted the Wanneroo Local Area Plan. Mayor Tracey Roberts said the decision was an exciting development that would strengthen the unique character of Wanneroo.

The Plan outlines a series of actions to be taken by the City over the next four years to enhance the Wanneroo area. These include redesigning streetscapes, working with local businesses to develop the town centre and investigating service delivery models for libraries and community hubs.
“The Wanneroo Local Area Plan is the latest step in the City’s ‘place approach’,” Mayor Roberts said. “Our approach acknowledges the distinctiveness, diversity and heritage of local places and people.
“The Plan identifies the community’s priorities and ensures the City is ready to meet the needs of local residents and businesses.
“It is the third of its kind, following the adoption of similar documents for Girrawheen/Koondoola and Yanchep/Two Rocks.
“The Plan envisions a friendly community with a small town feel, where people enjoy the beauty of the natural environment. Facilities such as our Wanneroo Regional Museum and Community History Centre connect us to a rich and diverse history, including local Aboriginal culture.”
The Wanneroo Local Area comprises approximately 660 hectares of land, including Wanneroo Town Centre.
The City undertook significant community engagement in developing the Plan, including holding workshops with local residents. Over 600 submissions were received through surveys, interviews and via the City’s ‘Your Say’ online engagement portal.
Find out more and read the Wanneroo Local Area Plan at the City’s website.
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