Community’s vision for City’s future coming to life
Published Thursday, 17th June 2021
Wanneroo Council has endorsed the City of Wanneroo Strategic Community Plan 2021-31 (SCP).

Based on community feedback, the SCP outlines the City’s vision and aspirations for the next decade and sets out the key strategies to achieve them.
In the first major review of the SCP since 2016, more than 1,400 members of the community shared their views on the City’s future in face-to-face consultations and via online surveys, revealing a shared focus on priority areas including a strong sense of community, vibrant and connected places, sustainability and security.
City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said the plan provided a clear understanding of what matters most to the communities within Wanneroo and would guide the way we plan for the future and deliver services.
“Through extensive consultation, our community clearly told us that connecting with local places and local people was the highest priority. That value shines strongly in this plan as we focus on local employment, activating local places, and sustainability,” she said.
“We will maintain our strategic focus on managing the City’s rapid growth in a way that respects and preserves our heritage, while at the same time growing and changing to continue to meet our community’s needs.
“This plan has been produced with a high level of community and employee consultation, and I thank each and every participant for their input, honesty and passion.
“This is truly a shared plan for the community, and I invite you to join us in making the vision a reality.”
Read the SCP here
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