Participants knock Have a Try Day out of the park
Published Wednesday, 23rd June 2021
The City’s jam-packed Have a Try Day was a great success, giving people living with a disability the opportunity to learn and try a range of sports.

The free event held on 13 June at St James’ Anglican School, provided people living with a disability with the chance to find a new sport and build community connections in their local area.
City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said it was great to see many families enjoy the event and participate in the activities.
“The City is passionate about providing a range of events and opportunities that promote inclusion,” Mayor Roberts said.
“More than 6,800 people in the City of Wanneroo live with a disability and we are committed to ensuring that our facilities, open spaces, services and events are accessible so they can be enjoyed by all residents and visitors.
“This is a key objective of the City’s Access and Inclusion Plan 2018/19 – 2021/22.
“We all know how important it is to give everyone a fair go, so I was very pleased to see a wide variety of sporting clubs come together on the day to offer their services, connect with participants and support the event.”
There were 15 sporting and community groups available on the day, including:
- Badminton WA
- Wanneroo Districts Hockey Club
- Dancing Fillies
- Northern Raiders Netball Club
- Speedway Motorcycle Club WA
- Quinns Rocks Junior Cricket Club
- Western Australian Cricket Association
- Yanchep Sports Club
- Alkimos Football Club
- Gortankaku Community Association WA (soccer)
- Western Australian Boomerang Association
- Alkimos Ball Club (tee-ball / baseball)
- Shobukan Martial Arts
- Happy Dreaming (dance)
- Riding for Disabled Capricorn (horse riding)
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