; City invites feedback on draft Coastal Management Plan - City of Wanneroo

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City invites feedback on draft Coastal Management Plan

Published Thursday, 9th December 2021

Providing access to the beach for the community while preserving its 32 kilometres of coastline is the key focus of the City’s draft Coastal Management Plan.

City of Wanneroo coast

Residents are encouraged to provide feedback on the plan, which will guide the management and use of the City’s coastline, coastal foreshore reserve and beaches over the next 15 years.

Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said the development of the plan was an important step in renewing the City’s commitment to preserving its natural coastline, while also identifying community facilities along the foreshore to benefit the growing population.

“The draft plan identifies existing and proposed development along the coastline, including locations for future beach access, coastal nodes and dog beaches, and also outlines how the City will manage environmental impacts such as coastal erosion and degradation of vegetation and dunes,” she said.

“To accommodate the City’s future population growth, the plan aims to facilitate access to the beach to benefit the community, while ensuring there is no detrimental impact to the natural coastal environment.

“We take our role as caretakers of this stretch of incredible coastline very seriously.”

The draft Coastal Management Plan will be available for public comment for an extended community consultation period from 13 December 2021 to 24 January 2022, with community drop-in sessions to be held in Mindarie/Quinns Rocks, Butler and Yanchep.

Vist Your Say for more information.

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