City welcomes announcement of Alkimos desalination plant
Published Thursday, 23rd June 2022
The City of Wanneroo welcomes the State Government’s announcement of Alkimos as the preferred location for Western Australia’s next major water source.

The renewably-powered seawater desalination plant will provide 100 gigalitres of safe drinking water to millions of Western Australians annually.
City of Wanneroo Deputy Mayor Brett Treby said the City strongly supports construction of the plant in the northern growth corridor.
“We are delighted one of our fastest growing suburbs will be home to the new Plant, which is expected to deliver 50 gigalitres of water by the time stage one of construction is complete in 2028,” he said.
“The State Government’s Gnangara Groundwater Allocation Plan will see a total of 1.3 gigalitres of water cut from agricultural licences in North Wanneroo.
“City of Wanneroo growers currently provide 17.5 per cent of the State’s total vegetable production, and these reductions would have an unacceptable impact on the local agribusiness sector.
“Following the announcement of the Alkimos-based Plant, we are hopeful the State Government will review their current plan to reduce water entitlements for agricultural licences and ensure our local industry remains viable."
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