City to harness latest technology and innovation
Published Monday, 11th July 2022
Imagine your favourite park in the future – smart parking and bins, public Wi-Fi, intelligent irrigation and throwing a snag on a smart barbecue.

This vision could soon become a reality as City of Wanneroo Council has now adopted its Smart City Strategy, taking strides to becoming a ‘smart city’ using the latest technologies and innovative solutions.
Last year, the City collected feedback from the community that identified security, safety, connectivity and the use of technology to improve environmental management and sustainability as priorities.
The Smart City Strategy highlights exciting future projects the City could take part in and will further support the delivery of the goals in the City’s Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031.
Wanneroo Deputy Mayor Brett Treby said the strategy sets the City on a journey of harnessing technology to enhance service delivery into the future.
“Smart city technology is a fantastic opportunity for local businesses. It contributes to a strong local economy and it will also help us continue to make the City of Wanneroo an attractive place to live, work and play,” he said.
“As our population grows, so do the needs, priorities and expectations of the community. The Smart City Strategy will help the City leverage technology and data to improve our ability to deliver community services and harness local opportunities in innovative ways.
“We will continue to work with developers and other partners to ensure smart initiatives and technology is incorporated wherever possible into new developments, facilities and amenities to future-proof the City.”
The Strategy will build on the City’s strong foundation in using smart city technology, including the installation of buoys with smart sensors in the Yellagona Wetlands.
In partnership with the City of Joondalup, the City secured funds through the Federal Government’s Smart Cities and Suburbs Program to deliver a clever network of environmental smart sensors that monitor midge outbreaks, wetlands health and water quality.
The city will explore opportunities to work with local developers and businesses to enable new ways of helping our community, now and into the future.
Read the Smart City Strategy.
More articles in the news archive.