; ROAD REHABILITATION NIGHTWORKS Hepburn Avenue, Madeley - City of Wanneroo

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Some City payments are currently unavailable due to a system issue. Customers attempting to pay for applications or forms may encounter timeouts. We're working with our provider to resolve this.



Published Monday, 15th May 2023

Commencing on Monday 22 May 2023, rehabilitation works will take place for Hepburn Avenue, spanning from Spectator Drive to East of Hartman Drive.

Road works

Road closure

NOTE: Due to unfavourable weather conditions, the dates for this project have been changed. Asphalt night works will now commence on the eve of Monday 22 May 2023 and be completed by Friday 6 June 2023 not including weekends.

Commencing on Monday 22 May 2023, rehabilitation works for Hepburn Avenue spanning from Spectator Drive to East of Hartman Drive, will take place during the designated night shift between 8:00 PM and 6:00 AM. The anticipated completion date for the project is Friday 2 June 2023, though any unanticipated delays due to City Contractors or supply chain issues may affect the timeline. To ensure the safety of motorists and workers, traffic management measures will be implemented during the rehabilitation works. These measures will include appropriate detours to guide motorists around the worksite.

Whilst it is inevitable that works of this nature will cause some inconvenience, every endeavour will be made to ensure that this is kept to a minimum during the works. The City considers that this project will be of significant benefit to the local community, hence your support and co-operation would be greatly appreciated.

More articles in the news archive.