Proposed Differential Rates for 2023/24
Published Thursday, 25th May 2023
The City of Wanneroo's proposed Differential Rates for 2023-2024 are now available for public comment.

In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, the City of Wanneroo hereby gives notice of its intention to adopt the following rates in the dollar for each differential rating category in the 2023-2024 Financial Year which is a 3.75% rate increase:-
RATE CATEGORY | MINIMUM RATE | GRV Rate in $ (cents) |
UV Rate in $ (cents) |
Residential Improved With lesser minimum for Strata Titled Caravan Parks |
$1,073 $156 |
6.6832 |
0.3755 |
Residential Vacant | $894 | 13.3663 | 0.6029 |
Commercial/Industrial Improved | $1,461 | 7.8650 | 0.3015 |
Commercial/Industrial Vacant | $1,461 | 7.7500 | 0.3341 |
Rural & Mining Improved | $1,066 | - | 0.3752 |
Rural & Mining Vacant | $1,008 | - | 0.4989 |
Information relating to the Objectives and Reasons for each proposed Differential Rate is available below, or at the City of Wanneroo Civic Centre, Dundebar Road, Wanneroo, between the hours of 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Submissions in respect of the proposed Differential Rates and any related matters are invited from Electors or Ratepayers. Views can be submitted:
- Via the online form at
- By mail to the Chief Executive Officer at City of Wanneroo, Locked Bag 1, Wanneroo 6946.
Comments must be received before 5pm on Thursday, 15 June 2023.
Mr Daniel Simms – Chief Executive Officer
Objects and Reasons for 2023/24 Proposed Differential Rates
The overall objective of the proposed rates in the 2023/24 Budget is to provide for the net funding requirements of the City of Wanneroo's various programs, services and facilities.
The Objects and Reasons that have been proposed are:
GRV & UV Residential Improved
The rate in the dollar and minimum rate have been set on the basis that ratepayers make a reasonable contribution to the cost of local government services and facilities available to residents that are not available to those in the Commercial/Industrial and Rural & Mining categories.
The lesser minimum for strata titled caravan parks is set recognising the unique purpose of these properties while still ensuring a reasonable contribution to the cost of local government services and facilities available to residents.
GRV & UV Residential Vacant
The rate in the dollar and minimum rate have been set in an effort to promote development of these properties thereby stimulating growth and development in the community.
GRV & UV Commercial/Industrial Improved
The rate in the dollar and minimum rate for all Commercial/Industrial Improved property has been set to provide an acceptable standard of infrastructure and parking needs due to the greater volumes of people and vehicular traffic.
GRV & UV Commercial/Industrial Vacant
The rate in the dollar and minimum rate for all Commercial/Industrial Vacant land has been set in an effort to promote the development of these properties by attracting business and industry to the City thereby stimulating growth and development in the community.
UV Rural & Mining Improved
The rate in the dollar and the minimum rate have been set with an intention to foster and encourage farming and horticultural activities in the City of Wanneroo thereby stimulating growth and development in the community.
UV Rural & Mining Vacant
The rate in the dollar and the minimum rate have been set with an intention to encourage the development of vacant land thereby stimulating growth and development in the community.
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