; Quenda-lows provide cosy new digs in conservation drive - City of Wanneroo

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Quenda-lows provide cosy new digs in conservation drive

Published Thursday, 14th March 2024

Quendas displaced by the Mariginiup bushfire have new places to call home, with the City installing strategically placed bungalows in bushland.

Quenda bungalows

Quendas, or south-western brown bandicoots, are small marsupials found in urban bushland areas throughout the City of Wanneroo.

The City’s Trees and Conservation Maintenance team are helping protect these critters by creating bungalows - affectionately known as ‘quenda-lows’ - out of wooden pallets to provide a refuge and help protect them from predators such as cats, dogs and foxes.

Conservation Technical Officer Jasmine Miller said the team would monitor the success of the quenda-lows using wildlife cameras.

“We consider quendas ‘ecosystem engineers’ - they’re digging mammals that play an important role in maintaining healthy bushland areas by turning over large amounts of soil, reducing leaf litter that adds to fire loads and helping spread seeds that promote new plant growth,” she said.

“With assistance from our dedicated conservation volunteers, the team will install more quenda-lows, focusing on areas impacted by the recent Mariginiup fire.”

Quendas are a Priority 4 species in Western Australia and are protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

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