; City says more information and consultation on Green Growth Plan is needed - City of Wanneroo

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City says more information and consultation on Green Growth Plan is needed

Published Wednesday, 27th April 2016

City of Wanneroo residents deserve further consultation on the State Government’s Green Growth Plan, according to Mayor Tracey Roberts.

Civic Centre

Following urgent demands from the Mayor and City administration, the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) hosted a community forum with an aim to provide details about the GGP and the issues it will raise within the City of Wanneroo.

Mayor Roberts said that while the forum was a step in the right direction, many questions still remain unanswered and the State Government needs to further consult with both residents and the City.

“The Green Growth Plan is a very complex and technical document with more than 2,600 pages – even experts would find it convoluted,” Mayor Roberts said. “Residents still have many questions unanswered and deep concerns about the future.

“The Green Growth Plan could have significant impacts on our residents’ homes and lifestyles and they need and deserve certainty about how the plan will impact them.”

Mayor Roberts said meaningful engagement with the community from the State Government on this issue is imperative, particularly as the consultation period is due to close in a matter of weeks.

“The original plan was incomplete, missing vital information such as detailed mapping,” she said.

“While we acknowledge that additional maps have now been included, the fact remains that insufficient time has been given for local residents to consider the implications.

“As a City we feel the plan is still lacking crucial information—how it will be integrated with the WA Planning Commission's final sub-regional structure plans which are due to be released this year and how it will be equitably funded.

“Therefore, as it stands, the City of Wanneroo Council cannot support the Green Growth Plan in its current form and requires the State Government to resolve a number of issues prior to the plan being finalised.”

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