; Community Grants - Community Funding - City of Wanneroo

Community Funding

Community Grants

Community Grants are for supporting co-funded, community-led projects which benefit the wider community, providing opportunities for the local community to come together to learn, celebrate and strengthen local connections. Applications are capped at $5,000 per project.

Community grants are now open

Community Funding Guidelines and Application Package 

What are some examples of eligible activities?

  • A project to celebrate/highlight awareness of a nationally recognised week, such as Mental Health Week, Harmony Day. 
  • Activities/events for the whole community such as a Health Expo, Volunteer Forum, Community Christmas Carols or a Have a Try Day.  
  • Inclusive events with cultural, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, child, youth, family, disability or seniors themes.
  • A project with a beginning and end date, such as a series of educational, environmental or creative workshops, a pilot program or a community art project.

Before you apply

  1. Consider your timeline
    The City recommends applicants begin the process at least three months prior to project commencement. The City aims to advise of the application outcome within four weeks if no further information is required after submission.
    If approved, allow six weeks to promote your project and three weeks to receive your payment. You will also be required to submit an acquittal report (including receipts, feedback and photos) within six weeks of project completion.
  2. Book your venue
    If you are considering using a City facility, speak to the Facilities team on 9405 5000 to discuss availability or place a tentative booking to hold the date at least ten weeks prior to your event.
  3. Submit an Event Notification
    If applicable, submit an Event Notification at least ten weeks in advance of your event. This must be completed by all event organisers proposing to hold an event anywhere in the City.
  4. Prepare for your application
    - Read through the Community Funding Guidelines and Application Package. A strong application will reflect that the guidelines have been read and understood.
    - It is recommended you discuss your proposed project with the City’s Community Development team. You will be able to confirm project eligibility and be provided with guidance on how to submit a high-quality application. Call 9405 5600 or email communityfunding@wanneroo.wa.gov.au
    - Register for an online account on the City’s Online Funding Portal. If you have not applied for funding through our online portal previously, you will be required to register as a user and then also register your organisation/group prior to proceeding with the application.

Ready to apply?

Complete and submit your application online via the Online Funding Portal link below. You should answer all the application questions with enough detail and consideration given to the assessment criteria as outlined in the guidelines. Gather all supporting documents that are applicable and include them in your application. The Community Toolkit also offers a range of helpful resources to assist with your application.

Online funding portal

For more information please contact the City's Community Development team on 9405 5600 or by emailing communityfunding@wanneroo.wa.gov.au.