; Support Services - Seniors - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

Rates notices for 2024/25 will be issued in late August. More information



Support Services

Support Services

Seniors Guide

The Seniors Guide is a simple resource to lead you in the right direction from available support services to local activities for our older residents. The Guide is available in a printed format at all of our libraries and the Civic Centre on Dundebar Road, Wanneroo.

Seniors Guide

The At Home Guide

Council on the Ageing (COTA) Western Australia has developed ‘The At Home Guide’ to support older Western Australians to live well. It is designed as an ongoing companion for seniors at home. The Guide gathers together information on health, day-to-day living, nutrition, accessing government services and finances, as well as a compendium of important telephone numbers.

For more information and to access this free resource please click below:

The At Home Guide

My Aged Care

My Aged Care is an Australian Government website and phone line to help you find out what aged care services may be available to help you. It’s never too early or too late to talk about aged care. Talking about getting some extra help doesn’t mean you can’t live an independent or active life.

You may be eligible to receive services such as: 

Help at home

  • personal care like help getting dressed
  • transport
  • modifications to your home like hand rails or ramps
  • nursing, physiotherapy and other care
  • meals
  • household jobs like cleaning or gardening
  • equipment like walking frames
  • social activities

Short-term help

  • when you have had a setback and want to get your independence back 
  • recovery from an accident or illness, including after a hospital stay 
  • when you or your carer needs a break 

Care in an aged care home

If you find you need ongoing help with day-to-day tasks or health care, a residential aged care home lets you live in a supported environment where help is available 24 hours a day. 

Call 1800 200 422 for further details, or visit the My Aged Care website by clicking below.

My Aged Care website

Red Cross Telecross service

A daily telephone call to check you are well. Telecross is for people who live alone and are at risk of an accident or illness that may go unnoticed. This includes people who are frail aged, have a disability, are housebound, or are recovering from an illness or accident.

For more information please click below:

Red Cross Telecross service

Additional support services

Please note these are external services, not run by the City of Wanneroo. 



Lifeline's Community Visitor Scheme

Grandcarers Support Scheme