Aspiration: A healthy and sustainable natural and built environment
Strategic Objectives:
- Environmentally Friendly
- Conserve Water
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Waste
- A long-term approach for Two Rocks erosion management has been determined
- Part 1 of the Coastal Hazard Risk Management Adaptation Plan has been completed and a new Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy was developed and adopted
- Installation of a weather station to the irrigation central control at Kingsway Sporting Complex
- Installation of dosing injection units to the existing irrigation systems at Kingsway Sporting Complex and Scenic Park
- A five-year Strategic Waste Management Plan was developed
- The City has agreed to participate in the re-use initiative of the Garage Sale Trail
- 88 dog bag dispensers installed within 27 parks, foreshores and dog beaches
- 193kg of waste sent to landfill per person
- 14,000 tube stock plants planted in conservation reserves
- Landscape improvements with 650 new trees planted
- 1.16% increase in waste being recycled
- 36,112KL decrease in water consumption
- 57% of total waste diverted from landfill
- The City has a challenge ahead to ensure its assets and the community are prepared for the potential impacts of climate change. Effective adaptation planning is needed to reduce the expected impacts, consequences and riskes associated with climate change
- Availability of ground water for irrigation purposes continues to present challenges in developing and maintaining quality parks in the northern growth corridor. The reduced water allocations in these areas impact on turf and vegetation quality
- Western Australia Waste Strategy targets of 65% diversion rate from landfill by 2020
- The decommissioning of Wangara Recycling Centre
Future Projects
- Manage coastal erosion at Quinns Rocks
- Manage coastal infrastructure assets and contaminated sites at Pinjar and Wangara
- Develop a Coastal Hazard Risk Management Adaptation Plan part 2, a Coastal Assets Policy and a Strategic Environmental Plan
- Implement Part 2 of the Coastal Management Plan and the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy
- Investigate and develop an Energy Precinct at Neerabup Business Area
- Reduce the City's energy usage through an Energy Reduction Plan
- Delivery of the conservation Reserves, Environmental Offest and Foreshore Management Capital Works Sub-Program
- Delivery of the Stormwater Drainage and Parks Rehabilitation Capital Works Sub-Program
- Adopt and implement a Strategic Waste Management Plan and deliver the Waste Management Capital Works Sub-Program