Civic Leadership
Aspiration: Working with others to ensure the best use of our resources
Strategic Objectives:
- Listening and Leading
- Working with Others
- A Strong and Progressive Organisation
- The City participated in its first major advocacy campaign 'Fund Our Future' through the National Growth Areas Alliance in the lead up to the Federal Election on 2 July 2016
- The Connect Wanneroo campaign is designed for the March 2017 election of State Government however the community was introduced to this agenda in the 2015/16 financial year
- A Tri-Cities (Wanneroo, Joondalup and Stirling) Mayor and CEO visit to Canberra occurred in February 2016
- The City of Wanneroo hosted a State Government ‘Community Cabinet Meeting’ in September 2015
- Expansion of online services
- Delivered online kit to welcome new residents
- Undertook communication preferences survey to develop a greater understanding of community’s views on how and when they wish to receive information from the City
- Engagement of MercyCare as the anchor tenant to progress the Integrated Service Hub model in Merriwa
- The Councillor and Mayoral election and induction was successfully completed during October 2015
- The City undertook a comprehensive review of the Perth to Peel Region Green Growth Plan (GGP). A draft City of Wanneroo report was submitted to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet on the Councils findings with respect to the GGP. The City also assisted WALGA with preparation of a combined submission for the Growth Alliance Perth and Peel (GAPP) local authorities
- Continued decline in workers’ compensation claims costs and numbers
- Strategic Health and Wellbeing program redeveloped with positive outcomes aligned with corporate focus
- 240 primarily outdoor staff had skin screenings; 220 staff also attended skin awareness education sessions and 283 staff received flu vaccinations
- Introduction of a Fit to Waist Away exercise program
- All Leaders attended half day training raising awareness for mental health
- Drug and Alcohol Policy developed - New & improved electronic lodgement system for online Building Applications
- A focussed review of the Councillor Customer Relationship Management process system was completed on 30 June 2016
- 20 Employees have completed the 3 day Australian Business Excellence Framework (ABEF) course during 2015/16 financial year
- 3 Internal ABEF workshops were held during May – June 2016
- The City’s Corporate Charity Gold Day raised nearly $40,000 for chaplaincy services at public secondary schools
- The Tri-Cities Mayors joined forces for a blood donation challenge. The City of Wanneroo took out the top spot in the corporate challenge with 51 employee donations helping to save up to 153 lives
- A new leasing policy was adopted during 2015/16
- The completion of the mid-year budget review took place and was endorsed by Council in March
- Council adopted the 2015/16 Annual Budget on 28 June 2016
- Implemented zero-based budgeting for the 2016/17 budget process
- A contract management software solution (online system) was implemented during 2015/16
- Implementation of an enhanced capability to accept online payments via the City’s website
- The Corporate Business Plan for 2016/17-2019/20 was adopted by Council on 28 June 2016
- 55 Corporate Business Plan actions were either completed or on target
- 16 Citizenship ceremonies held
- 1,919 new Australian citizens declared
- Amendments to the Local Government Act and Regulations (and interpretation) in respect of gift and travel contribution disclosure provisions
- Strengthening the City’s engagement with stakeholders
- Improving transparency and accountability in decision making through the provision of effective and comprehensive information
- External factors required consideration in the integrated planning and budgeting process, and included: the current economic climate, the falling Australian dollar, the Federal election and ongoing funding cuts, forecast Perth CPI at 2%; and the WA unemployment rate being at 6.3% - higher than the national average (5.8%)
- Ensuring communication from the City continues to be relevant and accessible to the community
Future Projects
- Develop and deliver a Customer and Stakeholder Management Framework and an enhanced integrated planning and reporting process
- Implement strategic procurement practices and initiatives to strengthen organisational capability and capacity
- Finalise a review of local laws, review Elected Members Code of Conduct and deliver a Strategic Policy Framework
- Improve the framework for strategic asset management in the City in line with the ISO 55001 standard
- Facilitate public access to community geographic and information systems data
- Implement a new enterprise software platform for the City
- Develop the Information Communication Technology Strategy
- Deliver the $75.5 million capital works program
- Wanneroo Civic Centre Extension