The City of Wanneroo is a democratically led organisation that consists of an elected Mayor and 14 Councillors. One Councillor is also elected as Deputy Mayor. Collectively, these 15 Members form the Council.
The City is divided into seven wards - North Ward, North-East Ward, Central-West Ward, Central-East Ward, Central ward, South-West Ward and South Ward. Representative Councillors are elected to their respective wards. The Mayor and local Councillors represent the views and opinions of all residents and ratepayers within the City.
The Council is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the City, policy development, identifying service standards and monitoring performance of the organisation. The Council makes decisions to benefit the future of the community.
Decisions are made at Ordinary Meetings of Council which are held on a 4-weekly basis. The Mayor presides at Council meetings, which are also attended by Councillors, the CEO and Directors of the City. Members of the public are also welcome to attend. Reports are formally presented to provide information and advice to assist the Council in the decision-making process.
Council Members have regular contact with the community. They are keen to connect and engage with residents and ratepayers and do this via community events and forums, stakeholder consultation, Council meetings, telephone calls and in-person visits.
Council Members are elected for a 4-year term of office. Local Government elections are held every two years, with half of the Council positions open for the election.