; Petitions - Council meeting dates, agendas and minutes - City of Wanneroo

Council meeting dates, agendas and minutes


Petitions are a formal written request, typically signed by many people, that requests Council to take action in respect of a particular cause. 

Only the original, final version of a petition will be accepted. A petition must be submitted in a printable format (this can include a hard copy or scanned/PDF electronically via email).  

Online E-live petitions cannot be accepted by the City although a final extracted version of such a petition that is in a printable format, may be accepted if the Form of Petition criteria has been met.

Form of Petition:

A Petition is:

  1. To be addressed to the Mayor or CEO.
  2. As far as practicable, to be prepared in the form prescribed.
  3. Have each page of signatures headed with the words of the petition request.
  4. To contain:
    i:     each petitioner’s full name; and
    ii.    a verifiable address for each petitioner; and 
    iii.    a signature* of each petitioner making the request; and 
    iv.    the date each petitioner signed. 
  5. * For clarity, a signature may include an electronic form of individual submission which has been provided by a person such as a unique verifiable email address or mobile phone number or an e-signature, or a handwritten signature.
  6. State the name of the person upon whom, and an address at which, notice to the petitioners can be given (the Submitter). Where such name and address is not given, all correspondence thereon shall be forwarded to the person whose name first appears on the petition.
  7. Be in the form prescribed by the Local Government Act 1995 and Local Government (Constitution) Regulations 1996 if it is:-
    i.    A proposal to change the method of filling the Office of the Mayor
    ii.    A proposal to create a new district or the boundaries of the local government
    iii.    A request for a poll on a recommended amalgamation
    iv.    A submission about changes to Wards, the name of a district or ward, or the number of Councillor’s for a District or Ward.
  8. The petition will be presented to the next Ordinary Council Meeting for acceptance and thereafter forwarded to Administration for investigation and action. A follow-up report will be presented to a Council meeting as soon as is practical on a recommended course of action.

A petition will not be accepted if it is defamatory or any action it proposes is unlawful. 

The Submitter of the Petition (the person who lodges the petition and to whom correspondence in respect of the petition may be served) will be kept informed of the progress of the Petition by the Administration and will be advised of Council's resolution.

Download a Petition for Electors Form and follow the instructions to complete the content correctly.