; East Wanneroo - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

Rates notices for 2024/25 will be issued in late August. More information


East Wanneroo

The East Wanneroo District Structure Plan was released by the Minister for Planning in August 2021. 

The district structure plan provides the long-term vision for the development of more than 8,300 hectares of land which will cater for 150,000 residents, 50,000 dwellings and support up to 20,000 jobs. 

The development of East Wanneroo will occur in  stages  over a number of decades. 

There are several things that need to happen before subdivision and development can take place including:

  1. Preparation of a district developer contribution plan
  2. Rezoning land currently zoned urban deferred or rural under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) to a development zone under the City’s District Planning Scheme No. 2; and
  3. Preparation of local structure plans.

In addition, the City has developed materials to support a place-led approach to the urbanisation of East Wanneroo.

Further information is available below. 

Stage Status Expected timeframe
District Developer Contribution Plan (DCP) Prepared.

Advertising to commence early to mid 2024 (known as substantial commencement).

Final approval in late 2025.

City of Wanneroo place-led approach Complete. Complete.
Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) amendments to lift urban deferment Not yet commenced. Mid-late 2024 once the District DCP has substantially commenced.
DPS 2 amendments to introduce development zone. Not yet commenced. Concurrent with MRS amendments.
Local Structure Plans Commenced. Local Structure Plans are now able to be submitted for formal assessment and will be processed as they are received.

NOTE: The above stages will run concurrently where possible.

In addition, the MRS will need to be amended to reserve land for roads, transit corridors, parklands and high schools.

Further information on the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan, including all supporting technical reports, can be found on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website: 

East Wanneroo District Structure Plan (www.wa.gov.au)

Click below to view some commonly asked questions.

Frequently asked questions

There is a road/transit corridor/high school site shown on the map that affects my property. I want to know what this means so I can make plans for the future?

The East Wanneroo District Structure Plan (EWDSP) identifies primary regional roads, integrator arterial roads, an underground transit corridor, parks and recreation reserves (including those subject to confirmation) and high schools.

Ultimately, land required for this purpose will be reserved under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS), at which time the extent of any impacts on properties will be known. The timeframes for MRS amendments are uncertain as they are affected by various factors. Below is an explanation of factors affecting the different types of MRS amendments and estimated timeframes for when these may occur. Please note, it is possible for land reserved under the MRS for a particular purpose (such as a road reserve) to continue being used for its existing purpose until it is needed for the reserved use.

Primary regional roads

This includes the Yanchep-Whiteman Highway and Flynn Drive. Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) is currently reviewing the suitability of existing environmental, heritage and other investigations to inform any future MRS amendment. They are also investigating mechanisms to protect the future reserve for the Yanchep-Whiteman Highway ahead of a formal MRS amendment which may occur in approximately three to five years.

MRWA will also consider formally reserving Flynn Drive under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) when its classification is upgraded from a local road to a state road. This could occur within three to five years.

Integrator arterial roads

Integrator arterial roads are the blue roads on Figure 1.1 of the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan map. These include Franklin/Lenore Road, Elliot Road, Badgerup Road, Sydney Road, Lakeview Road and Hawkins Road.

MRS amendments to reserve land for Franklin/Lenore Road and Elliot Road (for widening and extension) will be initiated following completion of environmental studies, route alignment option analysis and traffic modelling. This is expected to occur within two years (by early 2024). MRS amendments for the remaining blue roads will follow sequentially, however there is no clear timeframe for which this may occur.

Transit corridor

Figure 1.1 of the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan depicts an underground transit corridor as a hatched line from the future extension of Elliot Road through the future Gnangara Station to Franklin Road.

The Public Transport Authority is currently undertaking studies to determine the optimum public transport scenario for East Wanneroo. These studies will inform infrastructure needs and future MRS reserves. These studies are expected to be completed within three to five years.

High schools

Figure 1.1 of the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan identifies six high school sites with a yellow asterisk. Generally, the final location and orientation of the high school will be confirmed through the local structure plan process with the development proponents responsible for reserving the land under the MRS.

The timeframe for preparation of local structure plans for each precinct is not known as this process is led by development proponents and not the City or WA Planning Commission. Monitor the local structure plans page which will be updated to identify precincts where a local structure plan is under preparation (which means, formally lodged for assessment) or approved.


My land is required for a future road/parks and recreation reserve/high school. How do I get compensated for it?

You may be approached by a developer wanting to purchase your land as part of the land assembly process. This is a personal decision for you to make based on your individual circumstances.

If you do not sell your land to a developer, it can remain in private ownership until it is needed for its reserved purpose, at which time it will be acquired by the State Government. At the time of acquisition, an independent valuer will undertake a valuation of the land to be acquired. The details of this process are explained in this Western Australian Planning Commission information sheet.


Do I have to develop my land?

You are under no obligation to develop your land if you don’t want to and you can continue to use your land in line with existing approvals.

Once a local structure plan has been approved in your precinct, you may start to see development occurring in close proximity to you as other people may choose to develop their land.

It is likely each precinct will develop in stages and some existing rural uses may remain in place whilst adjacent land is being redeveloped for urban purposes.

The City will consider development applications that do not relate to the urbanisation of East Wanneroo DSP on a case by case basis, in accordance with its Local Planning Policy 5.3: East Wanneroo.


I am thinking about selling my land. What can I tell prospective buyers?

You should let prospective buyers know that future development of your land is affected by the East Wanneroo DSP. The City can help you or potential buyers understand the impact the DSP may have on your land. It is important to remember that development in East Wanneroo will be driven by the market so timeframes referenced in the DSP are indicative only.


I have been contacted by a developer about selling my land – what do I do?

You may be contacted by a developer about whether you would like to sell your land or enter into a contract to sell your land. The City cannot provide guidance on whether you should sell land to a developer. This is a personal decision for you to make based on your individual circumstances.


How can I find out more?

Frequently asked questions about the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan are available on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website. If you have any other questions about the East Wanneroo DSP and what it means for your land, please contact the City on 9405 5000.