; Butler - Halesworth Park - Pavilion and storage building - City of Wanneroo

Butler - Halesworth Park - Pavilion and storage building

Status Project type Expected completion Budget
Complete Community facility Financial year 2024/2025 $22.3 million

Halesworth Park pavilion

State-of-the-art Halesworth Park complex sporting and recreation precinct, now boasts two multi-sport ovals, 16 multi-use hardcourts, cricket nets, a dual-use path, children’s play area and picnic facilities.

The complex is home to a wide range of sporting codes, from rugby, football and soccer to netball, baseball, cricket and athletics.

Construction is now complete and provides clubs with new change rooms, multi-purpose rooms, universal access toilet facilities, first aid rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, kiosks and improved storage.


Haleworth Park, 24 Halesworth Parade, Butler.

Funding acknowledgments

  • Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries $2 million.
  • Federal Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications $5 million.
  • Department of Education and Northern Corridor Developments $2.55 million.
  • City of Wanneroo $12.75 million.

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