Balanced budget delivers for City of Wanneroo residents
Published Tuesday, 28th June 2022
The City of Wanneroo has adopted a $235 million 2022/23 budget, allocating $58.4 million for capital works, with investment in a range of community services and facilities to benefit all residents.

Wanneroo Deputy Mayor Brett Treby said Council had delivered a balanced budget that considered the needs of the growing community.
“We are committed to delivering the programs, services, facilities and infrastructure our community relies on and expects, and this budget will ensure we can continue to do so,” he said.
“Through this budget, our community will benefit from new sporting and community facilities, safer and more efficient roads, vibrant and accessible parks and playgrounds and enhanced community safety.
“We are delivering value for money for our ratepayers, residents, community groups and local businesses now, and investing in the future City of Wanneroo, which will be home to more than 285,000 people by 2031.”
2022/23 Budget highlights
Throughout 2022/23, $19.5 million will be spent on sporting facilities, including the completion of the highly anticipated Splendid Park cycling facility in Yanchep. The criterium-width track will be able to support training, competitions and a variety of other recreational pursuits, such as skating and running.
Pathways and trails across the City will benefit from a $2.8 million boost, including $1 million for the Active Transport Plan 2022/23 – 2025/26 to help create a safe, connected and reliable local transport environment that encourages people to use forms of transport other than driving such as cycling and walking.
A $10.3 million investment will improve road safety and enhance the transport network, including the widening of Flynn Drive from Wanneroo Road to Pinjar Road and Gnangara Road from Hartman Drive to Mirrabooka Avenue.
To connect local places and local people, $4.6 million will be spent on community buildings, with $1.53m allocated to upgrades at Clarkson Youth Centre.
A new Animal Care Centre is on the way, with detailed design of a new facility to get underway in 2022/23. Key aspects of the design will be site safety and security, animal exercise options, parking, accessibility and features to maximise the comfort and wellbeing of animals.
An enhanced CCTV network for the Wangara industrial area is part of a $1.3 million budget boost to create safer City spaces and facilities. The protection and preservation of City facilities will be further boosted by the installation of CCTV and automatic closing gates at four public car parks in Quinns Rocks, Marangaroo and Alexander Heights.
About $5 million will be spent upgrading and renewing parks across the City to provide places for our community to gather, be active and enjoy our natural environment. This will include the replacement of playground equipment, shade structures, picnic shelters, barbecues and drink fountains.
In line with the City’s commitment to protecting and enhancing our environment and the lifestyles of future generations, a $4.8 million investment will help maintain our natural assets through foreshore and coastal management activities and bushland preservation. This includes beach access upgrades, dune restoration and Mindarie Breakwater maintenance works and upgrades.
“The budget priorities were heavily influenced by the themes in the City’s Strategic Community Plan 2021-31, which was shaped by direct engagement with residents, community groups, local businesses and other stakeholders in the City of Wanneroo,” Cr Treby said.
“This year, Council has set a rate rise that equates to less than a dollar a week for the majority of residential ratepayers.
“I am proud of the wide range of essential services and facilities we continue to provide for residents, while keeping rates as low as possible.”
Council also adopted the Corporate Business Plan 2022/23- 2025/26 at last night’s meeting, which outlines how the City will achieve the objectives in the Strategic Community Plan to create a strong and inclusive community with opportunities for people to participate, be active, feel secure, contribute and belong.
For more information on the City of Wanneroo’s 2022/23 budget, visit
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