; Advocacy - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

Rates notices for 2024/25 will be issued in late August. More information



The City of Wanneroo defines advocacy as a proactive, whole of community, strategic approach aiming to influence decisions within State and Federal political spheres and government agencies, in a way that recognises and prioritises the needs of our local community.

The City of Wanneroo's Advocacy Plan was reviewed and endorsed by Council in May 2021. The revised Advocacy Plan is centred around three themes - liveability, sustainability and productivity – and nine key projects (detailed below). Recognising the need for critical social services for our community, in August 2022 Council also endorsed four social advocacy priorities to be incorporated into the Advocacy Plan under a new wellbeing theme.

Further information about the City's Advocacy plans will be available soon.

Connect Wanneroo

In 2016 the City of Wanneroo launched its strategic advocacy brand Connect Wanneroo to provide a clear signal on matters of strategic importance to the City that require a concerted effort to get political and policy support as well as funding.

As we await the date of the next Federal election, expected in 2022, the City is getting ready and we need your support. We are calling on you to have input to the next design stage of the Alkimos Aquatic and Recreation Centre, and to then continue in calling for Government to meet the funding shortfall for the preferred design.

For a full update and to register your support visit our Alkimos Aquatic and Recreation Centre Your Say webpage.