; Award & Funding programs - City of Wanneroo

Payment Timeout Issue - Monday 17 February 2025

Some City payments are currently unavailable due to a system issue. Customers attempting to pay for applications or forms may encounter timeouts. We're working with our provider to resolve this.


Award & Funding programs

Community Funding Program

The Community Funding Program offers a range of grants to build community capacity, resilience and sustainability. The City aims to support community activities that align with the City’s strategic objectives and provide benefits to the community, its residents, visitors and workers.

Participation Fund

Through the Participation Fund, organisations and teams can apply for funding assistance for eligible City of Wanneroo residents participating in State, National or International competitions and events.

Sponsorships Program

Through its Sponsorships Program, the City of Wanneroo works with businesses, organisations or community groups to achieve shared social, economic and environmental outcomes as outlined in the City’s Strategic Community Plan.

Award Programs

The City also has a number of Award Programs available, including the Australia Day Award and Student Citizenship Awards.


KidSport enables eligible children living within the City of Wanneroo and aged 5-18 years to participate in community sport and recreation by offering them financial assistance towards club registration fees.

Funding Finder

The Wanneroo Funding Finder has an extensive selection of external grants available locally and nationwide. Once registered, groups can set up email alerts for any new funding opportunities relevant to them.

Community Toolkit

The Community Toolkit supports passionate community groups, small not-for-profit organisations and individuals that help to make our community great by giving them the tools for success.

The Toolkit contains a variety of resources to help people learn and grow their skills, such as templates, checklists, videos and short courses, plus much more to help you with finding and applying for funding.


In the event you are seeking funding for a project not captured in one of our other funding opportunities, there is limited ability to apply to Council for a donation.