; Activities & events for seniors - Seniors - City of Wanneroo

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Activities & events for seniors

Activities for seniors

Quick links

Seniors Guide

The Seniors Guide is a simple resource to lead you in the right direction from available support services to local activities for our older residents. The Guide is available in a printed format at all of our libraries and the Civic Centre on Dundebar Road, Wanneroo.

Seniors Guide

Gold Program

The Gold program provides a range of exciting and challenging activities for City of Wanneroo residents aged 50 years and over.

Of the activities offered each year, there will be some that incorporate bus trips which include pick-up and drop-off locations in Butler, the Wanneroo Civic Centre and Kingsway Stadium. For non-bus activities, participants are asked to make their own way to the venue.

Gold Registration

The City's Gold program is free to join, however some events will incur a participation fee.

In order to join the Gold program please complete the information form below. Once completed you name will be added to the email database where you will receive regular emails updating you on programs and advertising registration for upcoming activities.

Please note, the Gold program is only available to City of Wanneroo residents.

Register for Gold membership

2024 events and activities

Amaze Miniature Park - SOLD OUT

When: Tuesday 29 October 2024
Cost: $70

Wonder through 4 acres of picturesque gardens peppered with 70 model buildings from parts of England, Germany and France before a lunch at Ravenswood Hotel.

Bookings coming soon.

Botanical Gardens Christmas Lights

When: Friday 6 December 2024
Cost: $70

Enjoy a wonderful dinner at the Kingsway Bar and Bistro followed by a visit to the Wanneroo Botanical Gardens to see the Magic of Christmas come to life.

Bookings coming soon.

Christmas Lunch at the Ashby

When: Wednesday 18 December 2024
Cost: $40

We had a blast last year! Come down and close out the year, sharing all your favourite memories from the year, enjoying the festive season with our fellow Goldies.

Bookings coming soon.

FREE Events

The GOLD program will host FREE events for City of Wanneroo residents. Information on these events will be released to the GOLD mailing list.

Strong Active Seniors

Check out the Strong Active Seniors sessions at Kingsway Indoor Stadium. Strong Active Seniors is a fun, fitness session aimed at the mature 50+. This class will give you a mix cardio, strength and functional training for a balanced workout. A medical clearance may be required to participate.


  • Tuesdays // 9am to 9:45
  • Wednesdays // 10:15am to 11am
  • Fridays // 9am to 9:45am


Group Fitness memberships at Kingsway start from as little as $11.50 per week. Contact the stadium on 9405 5645 to find out more. 

To book

Call us now on 9405 5645 or visit Kingsway Indoor Stadium at 130 Kingsway, Madeley, and speak to one of our friendly staff members.

Should you have any other queries please email the City's Program Officer: programs@wanneroo.wa.gov.au


The City has a number of exciting volunteer roles across a wide variety of programs and services such as:

  • Conservation 
  • Technology help 
  • Community history 
  • Books on Wheels 
  • Community transport
  • English Conversation Group and more!

To browse all current volunteering opportunities at the City, express your interest or how to apply please visit our volunteering page.

Library activities

Explore, discover, learn and create at your local City of Wanneroo library.

Browse our catalogue, explore our online resources or find out what activities and events are coming up. Membership is free and anyone can join.

Register today to lose yourself in all that your local library can offer.

Wanneroo Library

Rocca Way, Wanneroo
Phone: 9405 5940
Email: wannerool@wanneroo.wa.gov.au

Clarkson Library

Corner Ebb Way & Ocean Keys Boulevard, Clarkson
Phone: 9407 1600
Email: clarksonl@wanneroo.wa.gov.au

Girrawheen Library

6 Patrick Court, Girrawheen Avenue, Girrawheen
Phone: 9342 8844
Email: girrawheenl@wanneroo.wa.gov.au

Yanchep/Two Rocks Library

Phil Renkin Recreation Centre, Lisford Avenue, Two Rocks
Phone: 9561 1110
Email: yanchepl@wanneroo.wa.gov.au


From live performances to guided walks, film, and arts festivals, you’ll find that many of the City’s events have free or discounted tickets for seniors.

For more information about local events happening near you, please click below:  

City of Wanneroo events

Simple home exercise videos for seniors

Designed specifically for adults over the age of 55, these simple home workouts feature warm up, strength, flexibility, and balance exercises.