News archive
News published January 2021
City welcomes new citizens and recognises community champions

Published 27th January 2021
The City of Wanneroo hosted a special citizenship ceremony at its Civic Centre on Tuesday 26 January 2021 and four residents were recognised in the Australia Day Awards.
City tour puts Wanneroo on show for WA Governor

Published 27th January 2021
The City of Wanneroo was delighted to showcase some of the City’s visitor attractions for WA Governor, the Honourable Kim Beazley, on Wednesday 20 January.
New partnership program cuts red tape for small businesses

Published 27th January 2021
The City of Wanneroo is delighted to be one of the first local governments to take part in a new program to streamline approvals for small businesses.
City approves Wanneroo Local Area Plan

Published 6th January 2021
City of Wanneroo Council has adopted the Wanneroo Local Area Plan. Mayor Tracey Roberts said the decision was an exciting development that would strengthen the unique character of Wanneroo.
Residents urged to obey signage during feral animal control program

Published 4th January 2021
The City’s summer fox and rabbit control program will run from January to March 2021.