; Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management - Stage 1 Construction Updates - Coastal management - City of Wanneroo

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Coastal management

Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management - Stage 1 Construction Updates

Construction update - 18 May 2018

All major construction works have now been completed and all construction materials and equipment have been removed from site. Minor works remaining include dune fencing, dune planting and carpark repairs, expected completion of mid-June 2018.

Quinns Coastal Management

Quinns Coastal Management

Construction update - 10 April 2018

Beach Access Ramp construction is progressing as planned with completion expected by 20 April 2018.

Dune Rehabilitation works including matting and planting of the adjacent dune system will be undertaken in late April which will complete the first stage of the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works.

Construction on ramp

Construction on ramp

Construction update - 21 March 2018

Groyne 4 and beach renourishment works have been completed and beach access ramp construction is underway. Ramp construction is expected to be completed by mid-April which will be followed by matting and planting of the adjacent dune.

Quinns Coastal Management

Quinns Coastal Management

Quinns Coastal Management

Quinns Coastal Management

Construction update – 26 February 2018

Groyne 4 construction is nearing completion and beach re-nourishment north of the new structure has commenced. Beach access ramp works are expected to commence in March after completion of beach re-nourishment.

Quinns update 26 feb 2018

Quinns update 26 feb 2018

Quinns update 26 feb 2018

Construction update - 29 January 2018

Groyne 4 construction works are underway and expected to be completed by mid-February. Beach re-nourishment works and construction of the concrete beach access ramp will commence after completion of the groyne.

Quinns image - excavator on beach

Quinns image - excavator on beach

Construction update - 15 January 2018

Dune earthworks have been completed and groyne construction will commence at Quinns Beach adjacent to Queenscliff Park on 15 January 2018. Beach closures will apply adjacent to the work area. Please do not enter the construction site for your own safety. Other areas of Quinns Dog Beach will remain open including beach access locations at the existing northern groyne and Waterland Point.

Quinns beach works Jan 2018

Quinns beach works Jan 2018

Construction update – 15 December 2017

Dune earthworks continue due to delays associated with limestone buried in the dune. These delays are not expected to impact on the overall construction timeframe. Groyne construction works are expected to commence in January 2018.

Quinns dec 2017

Quinns dec 2017

Quinns dec 2017

Construction update – 24 November 2017

Works commenced on site on 14 November 2017. Dune earthworks are underway in preparation for the construction of the beach access ramp.

Quinns coast works

Quinns coast works

Quinns coast works

Quinns coast works

Update 31 October 2017

Following Council’s decision at its Ordinary Meeting on 10 October 2017 (AS02-10/17), WA Limestone, Italia Stone Group Joint Venture have been appointed to undertake the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works over three separate stages as follows:

  • Stage 1 (2017/18) – Construction of Groyne 4 (60m), Beach Renourishment (8,400m3) and Groyne 4 Beach Access Ramp;
  • Stage 2 (2018/19) – Extension of Groyne 2 by 45m and Beach Renourishment (14,400m3); and
  • Stage 3 (2019/20) – Extension of Groyne 3 by 15m and Beach Renourishment (10,800m3)

 Stage 1 Works are expected to commence shortly with WA Limestone, Italia Stone Group Joint Venture mobilising on site from 13 November 2017. These works will be located adjacent to Queenscliff Park as shown in the figure below. Stage 1 works will be completed by the end of February 2018, subject to site conditions and suitable weather during construction. The completion of these works will assist with the management of ongoing erosion issues along the Quinns Dog Beach and reduce the requirement for ongoing beach re-nourishment in this area.

Note that temporary beach and path closures will apply adjacent to the work site and signage and fencing will be in place to manage public access in these areas. The Queenscliff car park will be utilised by the Contractor and closed to the public during the works. Whilst it is inevitable that works of this nature will cause some inconvenience, every endeavour will be made to ensure that this is kept to a minimum.

Should you have any queries in relation to the Quinns Beach Coastal Management Project please contact the City’s Project Manager Coastal Projects, Mr Rory Ellyard, on 9405 5883

Quinns beach long term coastal management 31 october2017

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