; Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management - Stage 3 construction updates - Coastal management - City of Wanneroo

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Coastal management

Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management - Stage 3 construction updates

Stage 3 Works

Update - 12 December 2019

Quinns beach

Quinns Beach

Construction of Groyne 3 is complete and beach re-nourishment works are underway which includes the placement of 14,000 tonnes of sand to the north and south of the newly constructed groyne. Concrete works to tie in the existing beach access ramp to the groyne have also commenced. These works will require temporary closure of the beach access ramp, however this will be open to the public again by 14 December 2019.

All major Stage 3 works are expected to be completed by 20 December 2019 and minor landscaping and repairs will be undertaken in the new year.

Update - 21 November 2019

Works on Quinns beach

Construction of the seaward section of Groyne 3 is complete and works are underway on the landward section which will tie in with the existing dune and concrete beach access ramp. Temporary closure of the beach access ramp will be required during works adjacent to the ramp, however the carpark and dog beach to the north will remain open to the public at all times.

Groyne construction works will continue over the next few weeks and all major rock works are expected to be completed prior to Christmas, subject to suitable weather conditions on site.

Update - 22 October 2019

Construction of Groyne 3 has commenced. Existing rock armour has been stripped off the structure and additional groyne core material is being placed out to the seaward extent.

Works over the coming weeks will focus on armouring of the seaward section of the groyne and extending it to the final design length and height.

Quinns Dog Beach and adjacent car parking remains open to the public north of the construction site.

Works on Quinns Beach

Update - 9 October 2019

Stage 3 coastal management works are scheduled to commence from 14 October 2019 with some mobilisation works to occur on 11 October 2019.

All construction materials will be delivered to the northern end of the Quinns Beach Carpark, north of Fred Stubbs Park. This material will then be transported along the beach to the Groyne 3 location which will minimise damage to existing dog beach carpark infrastructure and disturbance to private properties adjacent to the Groyne 3 location at Camira Way.

The beach areas and beach access will be closed from the northern end of the Quinns Beach Carpark to the Groyne 3 location (southern extent of the Quinns Dog Beach). The beach adjacent to Fred Stubbs Park and the carpark will remain open to the public as will the Quinns Dog Beach, dog beach carpark (Camira Way) and dog beach access ramp for the majority of the works.

The area adjacent to the groyne construction works will be managed with temporary fencing and signage as required. All major works relating to groyne construction and beach re-nourishment are expected to be completed by Christmas, subject to suitable weather conditions.

For your safety, please avoid all construction works and equipment. Whilst it is inevitable that works of this nature will cause some inconvenience, every endeavour will be made to ensure that this is kept to a minimum.

Should you have any queries in relation to the Quinns Beach Coastal Management Project please contact the City’s Specialist Coastal Engineer, Mr Rory Ellyard, on 9405 5883.

Update - 25 June 2019

Quinns Beach update June 2019

Following approval by Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 10 October 2017, the City of Wanneroo appointed WA Limestone Italia Stone Group Joint Venture to undertake the Quinns Beach Coastal Management Works over three years as follows:

  • Stage 1 (2017/18) – Groyne 4, Beach Access Ramp and Beach Re-nourishment;
  • Stage 2 (2018/19) – Extension of Groyne 2 and Beach Re-nourishment; and
  • Stage 3 (2019/20) – Extension of Groyne 3 and Beach Re-nourishment.

Stage 1 works were completed in June 2018 and Stage 2 works were completed in February 2019. These works have assisted in the management of erosion issues along Quinns Beach by trapping additional sand as it moves along the coastline and providing a wider beach and buffer against erosion events.

Stage 3 works will commence in October 2019 and includes upgrade and extension of Groyne 3 (located at the southern extent of the Quinns Dog Beach) and beach re-nourishment. Stage 3 is expected to be completed in January 2020 with the majority of major works completed prior to Christmas.

Note that temporary carpark, beach and path closures will apply between the Groyne 3 location and the carpark immediately north of Fred Stubbs Park. Signage and fencing will be in place to manage public access in these areas. For your safety, please avoid all construction works and equipment. Whilst it is inevitable that works of this nature will cause some inconvenience, every endeavour will be made to ensure that this is kept to a minimum.

Should you have any queries in relation to the Quinns Beach Coastal Management Project please contact the City’s Specialist Coastal Engineer, Mr Rory Ellyard, on 9405 5883.