; Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management - previous updates - Coastal management - City of Wanneroo

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Coastal management

Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management - previous updates

Update 11 October 2017

Council considered a Tender Report (AS02-10/17) for the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works at its Ordinary Meeting on 10 October 2017. The following recommendations were adopted by Council

1. ACCEPTS a minor variation of groyne design before entry into Contract in accordance with Regulation 20 (1) of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996;
2. ACCEPTS the tender submitted by WA Limestone and Italia Stone Group Joint Venture for Tender No. 017077 for the Provision of Major Works for Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works for a lump sum price of $6,766,245.56 noting that:
    a) construction works shall be staged over three financial years commencing 2017/18; and
    b) the lump sum price is amended as inclusive of the minor variation before entry into Contract in accordance with Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996;
3. ACCEPTS Grant Funding from the State Government of $299,212 as part of the 2017/18 Coastal Adaptation & Grant (CAP) funding submission;
4. APPROVES by ABSOLUTE MAJORITY the following variation to the budget to reflect the receipt of $299,212 CAP grant funding:


Description GL Account/Capital Project Approved Budget Additional Budget Revised Budget
Quinns Beach Coastal Protection Works PR-2561 $0 $299,212 $299,212


Description GL Account/Capital Project Approved Budget Additional Budget Revised Budget
Quinns Beach Coastal Protection Works PR-2561 $2,950,000 $299,212 $3,249,212

5. THANKS the members of the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Community Reference Group for their input in the development of this project.

The construction phase for the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management works will commence in November 2017 and will be staged over three financial years as follows:

  • 2017/18 - Construction of Groyne 4, Beach Re-nourishment (8,400 m3), Groyne 4 Beach Access Ramp and all associated works;
  • 2018/19 - Extension of Groyne 2 by 45m, Beach Re-nourishment (14,400 m3) and all associated works; and
  • 2019/20 - Extension of Groyne 3 by 15m, Beach Re-nourishment (10,800 m3) and all associated works.

 If you have any queries in relation to the above information please contact the City’s Project Manager Coastal Projects, Mr Rory Ellyard, on 9405 5883.

Update 5 April 2017

The Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Detailed Design (Stage 3) was presented to Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 4 April 2017. The following recommendations were adopted by Council:

Preparation of tender and approval documentation is now underway for the coastal management construction works and design and construction of two beach access staircases. If you have any queries in relation to the above information please contact the City’s Project Manager Coastal Projects, Mr Rory Ellyard, on 9405 5883.

Community Information Session - Thursday 16 February 2017

Coastal engineering consultant, Cardno, have recently completed Stage 3 of the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Study (Detailed Design) including the design refinement of the preferred coastal management option adopted by Council in August 2016. The design will be presented to the Quinns Rocks Community at a Community Information Session:

When: Thursday 16 February // 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Where: Gumblossom Community Centre Function Room, Tapping Way, Quinns Rocks

This session will include a design presentation by Cardno, followed by a 'Question and Answer' session where City of Wanneroo and Cardno Representatives will provide responses to community queries. The detailed design includes the following:

Click below to download a draft drawing set. Please note these drawings are currently under review. Revised drawings will be made available after the Community Information Session.

Quinns Beach Coastal Management – Detailed Design Drawings

Following this Community Information Session, the design will be presented to Council for approval before proceeding into the tendering and construction phase of the project. Coastal construction works will be staged over 2-3 years in order to suit budgeting requirements, limit construction to calm summer periods and minimise disruptions to beach users.

If you have any queries in relation to the above information please contact the City’s Project Manager Coastal Projects, Mr Rory Ellyard, on 9405 5883.

Update 19 August 2016

Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Options were considered by Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 16 August 2016 (AS04-08/16) and Option 1 (Extension of Groynes 2 and 3, Additional Groyne 4 and Beach Re-nourishment) has now been selected for further investigation in the Stage 3 (Detailed Design) study. Council Resolutions are as follows:

That Council: 

Council meeting agenda and minutes can be found by clicking below:

Council Agenda & Minutes

Stage 3 (Detailed Design) will commence shortly and is expected to be completed in 4 months. Following detailed design, implementation of long term coastal management works will be staged over a three year construction programme in order to limit coastal works to calm weather periods and minimise interruptions to beach users.

Update 5 August 2016

Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management will be considered at the next Council Briefing, commencing 6pm 9 August 2016, and Council Meeting, commencing 7pm 16 August 2016.

The Agenda Reports for these meetings will be available for download by close of business Friday 5 August 2016 and Friday 12 August for the Council Briefing and Council Meeting respectively, via the following link:

Agenda Reports

Update 7 July 2016

The City of Wanneroo is currently investigating long term coastal management options for the Quinns Rocks coastline to address ongoing coastal erosion issues. Coastal engineering consultants, Cardno, were appointed to undertake the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Study in accordance with Council decision at its ordinary meeting of 16 September 2014. Completion of Stage 1 (Coastal Processes Assessment) and Stage 2 (Concept Coastal Management Options Assessment) has identified the following two preferred coastal management options:

Community feedback was invited for the two preferred options during a community engagement programme including two community information sessions held on 27 April 2016 and opportunities for the community to submit option preferences and comments over a 4 week period ending on 13 May 2016. In total, 545 responses were received with over 150 comments. Refer to the link below to download the Community Consultation Report.

Community Consultation Report

Since the close of the community consultation, the City has met with the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Protection Community Reference Group on two separate occasions and also facilitated a workshop with Cardno and the Department of Transport to discuss the consultation outcomes.

At this stage, the Stage 2 report and the recommended Quinns Beach long term coastal management option will be presented to Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 16 August 2016 with the intention of selecting a preferred option for detailed design (Stage 3 of the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Study). Detailed design is expected to take approximately 3 to 4 months to complete after which time, subject to the allocation of appropriate funding, arrangements will commence to allow for implementation of long term coastal management works, which will likely take place over a staged 2 to 3 year construction programme subject to budget and approvals. 

Meanwhile, the City will continue to monitor the Quinns Rocks coastline via photographic monitoring, beach surveys and groyne condition inspections and will undertake maintenance works such as beach re-nourishment as required.

Previous Information

The City of Wanneroo is currently investigating long term coastal management options for the Quinns Rocks coastline to address ongoing coastal erosion issues.

We would like to know which option you prefer. For further information on the options, along with corresponding documentation please click on the link below.

DRAFT Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Stage 2 Report – Coastal Management Options Assessment

Your Say - Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Options

Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Report

The Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Stage 1 Report, prepared by Cardno, was presented to and received by Council at its meeting on 21 July 2015 (IN03-07/15).

This report provides a detailed coastal processes assessment and preliminary options assessment for the long term coastal management of Quinns Beach.

The report can be viewed by clicking below

Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Study – Stage 1 – Coastal Processes and Preliminary Options Assessment report

  1. ACCEPTS a minor variation of groyne design before entry into Contract in accordance with Regulation 20 (1) of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996;
  2. ACCEPTS the tender submitted by WA Limestone and Italia Stone Group Joint Venture for Tender No. 017077 for the Provision of Major Works for Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works for a lump sum price of $6,766,245.56 noting that:
    a) construction works shall be staged over three financial years commencing 2017/18; and
    b) the lump sum price is amended as inclusive of the minor variation before entry into Contract in accordance with Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996;
  3. ACCEPTS Grant Funding from the State Government of $299,212 as part of the 2017/18 Coastal Adaptation & Grant (CAP) funding submission;
  4. APPROVES by ABSOLUTE MAJORITY the following variation to the budget to reflect the receipt of $299,212 CAP grant funding:
    Description GL Account/Capital Project Approved Budget Additional Budget Revised Budget
    Quinns Beach Coastal Protection Works PR-2561 $0 $299,212 $299,212


    Description GL Account/Capital Project Approved Budget Additional Budget Revised Budget
    Quinns Beach Coastal Protection Works PR-2561 $2,950,000 $299,212 $3,249,212
  6. THANKS the members of the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Community Reference Group for their input in the development of this project.
    1. ACCEPTS a minor variation of groyne design before entry into Contract in accordance with Regulation 20 (1) of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996
    2. ACCEPTS the tender submitted by WA Limestone and Italia Stone Group Joint Venture for Tender No. 017077 for the Provision of Major Works for Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works for a lump sum price of $6,766,245.56 noting that:
      a)  construction works shall be staged over three financial years commencing 2017/18; and
      b)   the lump sum price is amended as inclusive of the minor variation before entry into Contract in accordance with Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996;
    3. ACCEPTS Grant Funding from the State Government of $299,212 as part of the 2017/18 Coastal Adaptation & Grant (CAP) funding submission;
    4. APPROVES by ABSOLUTE MAJORITY the following variation to the budget to reflect the receipt of $299,212 CAP grant funding:
    5. THANKS the members of the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Community Reference Group for their input in the development of this project.
      1. RECEIVES the Stage 3 Report and Detailed Design prepared by Cardno for the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Study; 
      2. APPROVES the following staging of Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works: 
        a) 2017/18: Construction of Groyne 4, beach re-nourishment and construction of a beach access ramp; 
        b) 2018/19: Extension of Groyne 2 and beach re-nourishment; and 
        c) 2019/20: Extension of Groyne 3 and beach re-nourishment; 
      3. NOTES the funding submission submitted to the State Government in December 2016 for the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works and REQUESTS the Mayor to write to the State Government seeking a response as a priority to enable delivery of the Project as per Resolution No. 2;
      4. AUTHORISES Administration to prepare tender documentation and advertise for the construction of the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works, staged over three years commencing 2017/18 including: 
        a) 2017/18: Construction of Groyne 4, beach re-nourishment and construction of a beach access ramp; 
        b) 2018/19: Extension of Groyne 2 and beach re-nourishment; and 
        c) 2019/20: Extension of Groyne 3 and beach re-nourishment; 
      5. AUTHORISES Administration to prepare tender documentation and advertise for the design and construction of pedestrian beach access staircases south of Groyne 1 and at Waterland Point with construction works to be undertaken in 2017/18; 
      6. APPROVES the allocation of a further $1.8M in 2018/19 and $1.7M in 2019/20  from the Strategic Projects/Initiatives Reserve for Stages 2 and 3 of the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works respectively; and 
      7. REQUESTS Administration to prepare Coastal Adaptation and Protection Grant Funding submissions to the Department of Transport for the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Works.   
      • Extension of the middle and northern groynes (Groyne 2 and 3); 
      • A new groyne (Groyne 4) and a concrete beach access ramp at Queenscliff Park;
      • Beach re-nourishment;
      • Concept design of beach access staircases at the southern groyne (Groyne 1); and
      • Concept design of a beach access staircase at Waterland Point (northern extent of the Quinns Dog Beach).
      1. RECEIVES the Stage 2 Report prepared by Cardno for the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Study; 
      2. RECEIVES the outcomes of the community consultation in relation to the two preferred long term coastal management options; 
      3. AUTHORISES the commencement of Stage 3 (Detailed Design) of the Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management Study for Coastal Management Option 1 comprising ‘Modification of existing groynes, additional northern groyne (groyne 4) and beach re-nourishment”, noting that the implementation of coastal management works is subject to allocation of required funds in the City’s Long Term Financial Plan; and  
      4. AUTHORISES Administration to prepare a detailed submission to State Government seeking funding for the implementation of long term coastal management works at Quinns Beach as per Item 3 above.