; Central and Southern Jindalee - beach access staircases - Coastal management - City of Wanneroo

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Coastal management

Central and Southern Jindalee - beach access staircases

Update May 2023

A Multi Criteria Assessment (MCA) was undertaken to determine the preferred option for the renewal of the Central and Southern Jindalee Beach Access Ways. The MCA considered a number of criteria including environmental impacts, construction costs and community preference. Following the MCA, the preferred option was identified as Option 2 - Renewing the stair sections of both structures (Jindalee BAW Central and Jindalee BAW South). 

M P Rogers and Associates have been engaged to undertake Detailed Design for these structures. 

Update March 2023

Both the Central and the Southern Beach Access Staircases in Jindalee have been identified as requiring an upgrade within the next five years. The upgrade is based upon the findings of a structural engineering condition assessment that was undertaken in 2021.

Three concept options have been developed for the renewal of the Jindalee Beach Access Ways.

Due to the high number of beach access ways in the area, ongoing high frequency maintenance requirements and increasing construction costs, the City are investigating the following renewal options:

  • Option 1 - Renewing the stair section of just one of these BAW structures, with the other BAW being removed;
  • Option 2 - Renewing the stair sections of both structures (Jindalee BAW Central and Jindalee BAW South); or
  • Option 3 - Removing both BAW structures entirely and constructing a new access way between the current BAW structures. 

Community consultation was recently completed to gather community feedback on these options and inform the decision making for the renewal/upgrade works.

The community feedback will now be used, along with other considerations (e.g. environmental and cost factors), to determine the preferred option for the renewal.

Update January 2023

Both the Central and the Southern Beach Access Staircases in Jindalee have been identified as requiring an upgrade within the next five years. The upgrade is based upon the findings of a structural engineering condition assessment that was undertaken in 2021.

The City have appointed coastal engineering consultants, M P Rogers and Associates, to develop concept options for the upgrade of these two staircases.

Central Jindalee Beach Access Staircase
Central jindalee beach access staircase
Southern Jindalee Beach Access Staircase
Southern jindalee beach access staircase