; Quinns Beach Access - Mary Street - Coastal management - City of Wanneroo

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Coastal management

Quinns Beach Access - Mary Street

Update - December 2022

The roof for the Mary Street Beach Access Way has been installed and the structure is now complete and open to the public.

Mary Street Beach Access Way shelter

Update - November 2022

The City’s Contractor has advised that the observation platform roof will not be installed until late November due to weather related road and rail closures preventing the delivery of materials from Queensland.

Update - October 2022

Contractor resourcing issues have resulted in further delays to the construction of the Mary Street Beach Access Way however the majority of works have been completed and the access is now open to the public. The installation of the observation platform roof will be completed as soon as materials are available in early November.

Mary Street access stairs

Mary Street access stairs

Mary Street access lookout

Shade area on beach

Update - July 2022

There have been some unforeseen delays in the construction of the Mary Street Beach Access Way due to contractor resourcing issues. The staircase piles were installed last week and installation of the staircase components is scheduled to begin within the next few days. The construction works are now anticipated to be completed by the end of August 2022.

Quinns Beach - Mary Street works

Update - June 2022

Construction of the Mary Street Beach Access Way is well underway with demolition of the former staircase and observation platform almost complete. While there were some delays in the demolition works due to unforeseen site conditions, all works are expected to be completed by mid July 2022.

Quinns Beach Mary Street works

Update - May 2022

Construction works for the upgrade of the Mary Street Beach Access Staircase and Observation Platform will begin on Monday 23 May 2022. All works are expected to be completed by Monday 4 July 2022 subject to suitable weather conditions. Please be aware that temporary closures will apply to the carpark and pathways adjacent to the work site.

Signage and fencing will be in place to manage public access in these areas.

Update - March 2022

Detailed design for the Mary Street Beach Access Way was completed in January 2022. The design of the upgraded structure includes a ‘like-for-like’ replacement with the same alignment and location as the current structure. A Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) staircase and observation platform will replace the current structure.

All approvals have been received and manufacturing of the staircase and observation platform components is currently underway. Construction works are expected to commence in April/May 2022.

Update - July 2021

The Mary Street Beach Access Way along Ocean Drive in Quinns Rocks has been selected for upgrade as part of the City of Wanneroo’s Beach Access Ways Upgrade Program. This Access Way has been identified by the City as a location requiring asset renewal/replacement following a condition assessment of the entire City’s coastal assets by engineering consultant, AECOM in 2015. 

Download 2015 Condition Assessment Report

Detailed design of the staircase and observation platform is currently underway and is expected to be completed in September 2021. Installation works are scheduled for late 2021 following receipt of all necessary approvals.

Quinns Rocks Mary Street stairs

Should you have any queries in relation to this project please contact the City’s Coastal Engineer, Sarah McCulloch, on 9405 5841.