; Public Community Event - Noise - Public Community Events - City of Wanneroo

Public Community Events

Public Community Event - Noise

Noise from certain community activities is permitted under provisions of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997. The purpose of this provision is to allow a balance between the community benefit of these events and the impact on the surrounding properties. 

Community events include sporting activities, agricultural fairs, school fetes, carnivals and exhibitions. Noise from these events is considered ‘Community Noise’ and is exempt from the requirement to comply with the assigned noise level in the following situations: 

  • Noise emitted by spectators at a sporting activity; 
  • Noise from people at a meeting or procession; 
  • Noise from recreational or educational activities at premises occupied for educational purposes; 
  • Noise emitted from agricultural shows, fairs, fetes, exhibitions and like events; and 
  • Noise emitted by people during a meeting convened solely for the purpose of divine worship. 

Events that are likely to result in excessive noise being received by nearby residences or fall outside the provisions of community noise exemptions will be required to apply for a Regulation 18 Approval for a non-complying event. Applications for a non-complying event must be made at least 60 days prior to the event

The applicant/promoter or nominated person(s) responsible for noise levels emitted from the event shall provide their mobile contact details to the City’s Health Services, and be available and contactable at all times during the event and at the bump in/bump out period. They must have full responsibility at the event to control noise levels so that they comply with the conditions of approval. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the bond. Enforcement action may be taken against the responsible person/ under the Environmental

Amplified music shall cease at 10.30pm, however, consideration may be given to extending events which rely on audio visual effects, to 11.30pm. This decision is at the sole discretion of the City's CEO.

Pre-event sound checks may be undertaken between 9.00am – 7.00pm for a maximum of 60 minutes prior to the event day, and between 11.00am and 7.00pm on the event day, for a maximum of 60 minutes. All 'pre-event sound checks' are to be approved by the City.

During all 'Regulation 18' events, an Acoustic Consultant/Engineer shall remain on-site or in the immediate vicinity of the event, to monitor sound levels for the duration of the event (unless otherwise approved by the Chief Executive Officer). In the event that an Environmental Health Officer, WA Police Officer or and Officer from the Department of Environment Regulation requires the noise levels to be reduced, the applicant/promoter/responsible person is to comply immediately. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the bond. The responsible person may also be issued with an Infringement Notice or be prosecuted.

A verbal report detailing any noise complaints received, is to be made to the City’s Health Services on the next working day after an event. The formal noise monitoring report (compiled by the Acoustic Consultant/Engineer) is to be submitted to the City as soon as practicable, but no later than fourteen (14) days after the event.

Regulation 18 Approval must be submitted 60 days prior to the event.