; Public Community Event - Traffic Management & Road Closures - Public Community Events - City of Wanneroo

Payment Timeout Issue - Monday 17 February 2025

Some City payments are currently unavailable due to a system issue. Customers attempting to pay for applications or forms may encounter timeouts. We're working with our provider to resolve this.


Public Community Events

Public Community Event - Traffic Management & Road Closures

If your event has a potential to impact traffic movements (vehicle or pedestrian) on a road or within a road reserve a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will need to be submitted via the online Traffic Management Plan Application Form for review and acceptance.

Additionally, full or partial closure of any of the City’s roads will require the submission of a ‘Temporary Suspension of the Road Traffic Act’ form for sign-off by the City and the local Police. For further information visit the WA.gov.au website.

If Traffic Management is required on Wanneroo Road, Ocean Reef Road or Marmion Avenue, the TMP must be submitted to Main Roads WA (MRWA) for approval following acceptance by the City through the online Traffic Management Plan Application Form.

Please refer to our Traffic Management Plan FAQs and the “Traffic Management for Events Code of Practice” available from the Main Roads website for further information.